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24+ Western Medicines in Chinese

641So you got sick in China but you’re not ready to try Traditional Chinese Medicine yet? That’s OK! Here’s a useful list for when you head to the pharmacy for Western medicines.

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Note: we are not doctors! Just cross-cultural helpers trying to help you adapt to life in China – Although we consulted medical professionals and pharmacists for this post, please please please go to the hospital and find a qualified doctor before taking any medication you’re uncertain of…
And another note: All of these medications have side effects, and some more than others. Read the labels in regard to the recommended dosing of each medication to prevent serious problems and don’t forget to ask the pharmacists for clear instructions. If you can’t do that, definitely get a knowledgeable bilingual friend to help… and don’t mix any of these with alcohol if you care about your liver~

*Text is for easy copy & paste; images for saving to your device in a “Medicine” folder or something…

 Pain & Fever
疼痛   发烧 

 téng tòng            fā shāo 

Acetaminaphen [əˌsiːtəˈmɪnəfən]
对乙酰氨基酚 duì yǐ xiān ān jī fēn

(ex. Tylenol, Panadol)



Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs):

fēi lèi gù chún xìng xiāo yán yào 

Ibuprofen [.aɪbju’proʊfən]
布洛芬 bù luò fēn 

(ex. Motrin, Advil)


Naproxen [nə’prɒksən] 萘普生 nài pǔ shēng 

(ex. Aleve)


Aspirin [‘æsprɪn] 阿司匹林 ā sī pǐ lín

(ex. Bayer, St. Joseph’s)



 ké sòu 

Dextromethorphan [dɛkstroʊmi’θɔrfn] 美沙芬 měi shā fēn

(ex. Theraflu, Vicks)

dextromethorphanGuaifenesin [ɡjʊrɪf’nezɪn] 愈创甘油醚 yù chuàng gān yóu mí

(ex. Robitussin, Mucinex)

guaifenesinThroat Lozenges [θroʊt ‘lɑzəndʒ] 咳嗽糖 ké sòu táng

(ex. Halls, Ricola, Golden Throat 金嗓子 jīn sǎng zǐ)
English teachers everywhere swear by this stuff!

throat-lozengesOther useful terms:
[benzəʊ’keɪn] 苯佐卡因 běn zuǒ kǎ yīn

Menthol [ˈmenθɔ:l]
薄荷醇 bò hé chún

 Head &
Sinus Congestion

 ěr bí hóu yán 

Decongestants: [.dikən’dʒestənt]
jiǎn chōng xuè jì 

Pseudoephedrine [sjuːdoʊ.ᵻˈfɛdrɪn]

假麻黄碱 jiǎ má huáng jiǎn 

(ex. Sudafed)

pseudoephedrineOxymetazoline [ɒksɪmɛtəzə’lin]
qiǎng jiǎ zuò lín 

(ex. Sinex, Telnase)

oxymetazoline Sore Throat,
Earache &
Body Aches



 hóu lóng tòng, tóu tòng, 

 ěr tòng, hún shēn téng
(gǎn rǎn) 

Acetaminaphen [əˌsiːtəˈmɪnəfən]
对乙酰氨基酚 duì yǐ xiān ān jī fēn

(ex. Sore throat lozenges, Cepacol, Strepsils)

(see above)

General Antibiotics [.æntaɪbaɪ’ɑtɪk]
抗生素 kàng shēng sù

general-antibioticsPenicillin [.penə’sɪlɪn]
青霉素 qīng méi sù 

penicillinAmoxicillin [əˌmɔːksiˈsiːlən]

阿莫西林 ā mò xī lín 

amoxicillin Sneezing,
Runny Nose, 

 Watery Eyes
打喷嚏, 流鼻涕,

 dǎ pēn tì, liú bí tì,
liú lèi 

Antihistamine [.æntɪ’hɪstə.min]
抗组胺药 kàng zǔ àn yào 

(ex. Claritin, Zyrtec, Allegra)

antihistamine Upset Stomach

 wèi bú shū fú 

Bismuth subsalicylate [‘bɪzməθ sʌb’sæləsɪˌleɪt]

碱式水杨酸铋 jiǎn shì shuǐ yáng suān bì

(ex. Pepto-Bismol, Kaopectate)

Bicarbonate Tablets [ˌbaɪ’kɑ:bənət]
碳酸氢钠片 tàn suān qīng nà piàn

(ex. Alka Seltzer)

bicarbonate-tabletsSimethicone [‘saɪmθɪkəʊn]
西甲硅油 xī jiǎ guī yóu

(ex. Gas-X)

simethiconeAntacids [ænt’æsɪd]
解酸药 jiě suān yào

(ex. Rolaids, Tums)

antacidsDimenhydrinate [ˌdaɪmen’haɪdrəˌneɪt]
茶苯海明 chá běn hǎi míng
(ex. Dramamine)

dimenhydrinate Constipation 

 biàn mì 

Senna glycoside [‘senə ‘glaɪkəˌsaɪd]

番泻叶 fān xiè yè

(ex. Ex-Lax)

senna-glycosideOther useful terms:

Glycerin [‘ɡlɪsərɪn]
甘油 gān yóu

Bisacodyl [‘bɪzəkədɪl]
比沙可啶 bǐ shā kě dìng


 fù xiè (lā dù zǐ )

Attapulgite [ətæ’pʌldʒɪt]

凹凸棒石 āo tū bàng shí 

(ex. Diocalm, Diatrol)

attapulgiteLoperamide [‘ləʊpərəmɪd]
洛哌丁胺 luò pài dīng àn 

(ex. Imodium A-D)

loperamideBismuth subsalicylate [‘bɪzməθ sʌb’sæləsɪˌleɪt]

碱式水杨酸铋 jiǎn shì shuǐ yáng suān bì

(ex. Pepto-Bismol, Kaopectate)

(see above)

 Sleep Issues 


 shuì mián wèn tí 

Antihistamine [.æntɪ’hɪstə.min] 抗组胺药 kàng zǔ àn yào
(see above)

Diphenhydramine [dɪfen’hɪdrʌmən]
苯海拉明 běn hǎi lā míng

(ex. Benadryl, Tylenol PM)

diphenhydramineMelatonin [.melə’toʊnɪn]
褪黑素 tuì hēi sù 

melatonin Skin Allergy
& Itching 


 pí fū guò mǐn
sào yǎng 

Antihistamine [.æntɪ’hɪstə.min] 抗组胺药 kàng zǔ àn yào
(see above)

Diphenhydramine [dɪfen’hɪdrʌmən]
苯海拉明 běn hǎi lā míng

(see above)

 Nasal Allergy 


 bí guò mǐn 

Cromolyn sodium [k’rɒməʊlɪn ‘soʊdiəm]
色甘酸钠 sè gān suān nà 

(ex. Nasalcrom)



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About Prabu

I have been living in China for the past 15 years and currently reside in Lecong, Shunde and manage a Trading company and Software Company. I enjoy exploring new technology, traveling, photography, dancing and music.

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