Home / Hong Kong Ferry Timings

Hong Kong Ferry Timings

Shunde Hong Kong Express Ferry Schedules

[icon icon_name=”time”]Ferry Timings From Shunde Port to Hong Kong China Ferry Terminal


[icon icon_name=”time”]Ferry Timings From Hong Kong China Ferry Terminal to Shunde Port

[divider_1px] [icon icon_name=”info-sign”] A single voyage takes about 2 hours. [icon icon_name=”info-sign”] Free shuttle bus service is offered (Not available for team ticket). Free Parking Service Available. [icon icon_name=”info-sign”] Check-in stops 10 minutes prior departure. [icon icon_name=”info-sign”]The Bus Timings given here are as on 1/11/2014. Though we try to maintain the accuracy of the data provided here on our website we are not liable for any changes in the timings. You may contact the office below to confirm the timings. [divider_1px]
[icon icon_name=”tags”]Hotline: +86-757-22822013 (Shunde Port) [icon icon_name=”tags”] +852-2858 3876 (Hong Kong)
[icon icon_name=”globe”]website : www.sgky.com.cn Check here for details on transport from Other Places.

[icon icon_name=”time”]Bus Timings to Shunde Port

Ticket Agents / Shuttle Bus Stop / Tel8:309:3011:0015:0018:00
From Lecong CityShuttle Bus Schedule
Nanhai China Travel Agent (Xiqiao) Tel: 8688881806:3507:30–:–13:0015:40
Nanzhuang New Zhong Yuan Hotel Tel:8531602206:4507:40–:––:––:–
Lecong Sun You Travel Agent Tel:2886127807:0508:0509:3513:3516:15
Lecong Hotel fortuna Tel:2883888807:1008:1009:4013:4016:20
From Foshan CityShuttle Bus Schedule
Inter Continental Foshan Tel:+85-757-8101 889206:30–:––:––:––:–
Nanhai china Travel Agent (Guicheng) Tel:+86-757-8622551806:4007:35–:–13:0515:40
Foshan China Travel Agent Tel:+86-757-8262 960206:5507:5509:3013:2516:00
Foshan Crowne Plaza Tel:+86-757-2883888807:058:0509:2013:3516:10
Foshan Golden City Hotel Tel:+86-757-28861278–:––:––:––:––:–
Foshan Travel Ticket Center Tel:+86-757-2883888807:1008:1009:4013:4016:20
Foshan National Travel Service Tel:+86-757-2886127807:0508:0509:3513:3516:15
Airport Foshan Check-in Tel:+86-757-2883888807:1008:1009:4013:4016:20
Lecong Sun You Travel Agent Tel:+86-757-2886127807:0508:0509:3513:3516:15
Pingzhou Hotel Tel:+86-757-2883888807:1008:1009:4013:4016:20
[icon icon_name=”time”]Ticket Prices
PassengerVIPFirst ClassEconomyGroup(3-4 Persons)
[divider_1px] [icon icon_name=”info-sign”] Return Tickets and Special Return Tickets including Tickets to DisneyLand and Ocean Park are also available . [icon icon_name=”info-sign”] The Ticket Prices May Vary from each ticket centres. Kindly check over telephone with the ticketing centre. [icon icon_name=”info-sign”]The Ferry ticket prices given here are as on 1/11/2014. Though we try to maintain the accuracy of the data provided here on our website we are not liable for any changes in the prices. [divider_1px] [icon icon_name=”info-sign”] For Ticket Prices from Hong Kong You may check at the details below.

[icon icon_name=”tags”]Hotline: Chu Kong Passenger Transport Co Ltd., +852-2858 3876 (Hong Kong)
[icon icon_name=”globe”]website : www.cksp.com.hk Check here for HongKong Ticketing Details.

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